APRCALC.ZIP 291,219 08-09-95 APRCalc v2.0 for Windows. Calculates loanvariables, prints amortization tables, andallows you to save scenarios in files.
BF331A.ZIP 124,270 07-06-95 BigFin Finance v3.31a. Covers 5 areas:Annuity & Savings, Business & Finance,Loans, Miscellaneous, and CurrencyConversion.
BROKER2.ZIP 799,689 08-08-95 SmartBroker v2.0. Stock and Optionsanalysis program that does all the work foryou- everything. Tracks 4,000 pre-loadedstocks, downloads quotes from Dow Jonesquickly and efficiently.
DKING101.ZIP1,322,459 07-27-95 Data King v1.01 for Windows. Automationsystem to replace broker/agent paper filesystem. General purpose client informationsystem, but with some special functionalityfor the financial/insurance industry.
ECKWIN12.ZIP 196,337 08-01-95 The E-Z Credit Kit v1.2 for Windows.Graphical user friendly road to creditfreedom. Features: Legal forms for creditfile editing, Secrets to filling out loanand credit apps. Lists of eager banks whoissue credit cards.
LC22.ZIP 22,174 07-25-95 Loan Calculator v2.2 for Windows.Calculates principal or payments for loans& mortgages. Includes 5-function calculator.
LNTRK1_6.ZIP 332,995 09-17-95 Loan Tracker v1.6 for Windows. Multipledocument interface pkg that allows thetracking of both fixed & variable ratemortgages; review interest paid and save orprint loan payment histories.
LOANAMOR.ZIP 52,981 07-29-95 Excel v4.0 template for calulating yourhome mortage. Allows for additionalpayments to determine the savings effect ofearly payments.
LOANCALC.ZIP 22,860 07-18-95 Loan and Mortgage Calculator for Windows.Calculates principal or payment, principalpaid, principal left, and interest paid fora specified period.
MBNK16A.ZIP 363,566 08-13-95 Money & Banks v1.6a. Personal BankingManager with attractive interface.Personal, professional or business banking.Pop-up calculator, calendar, scheduler;printing on regular checks; reports &labels; credit cards, more.
MFTC15B.ZIP 567,821 08-13-95 Mutual Fund Tax Calculator v1.5b forWindows. Provides a facility fordetermining the tax cost of redeemed shares(full or partial) in one or more mutualfund accounts. For IRS Form 1040 Schedule Dfilers.
MLMUPDN2.ZIP 87,462 07-02-95 Make more money than you ever dreamedpossible: The Ups and Downs of Multi-LevelMarketing. Has both risks and rewards: Youcan make big money, if you're in the rightplace at the right time.
MPM155.ZIP 75,708 08-01-95 Mark's Portfolio Manager v1.55 for MS-Excel.
MYMD2QIF.ZIP 58,633 07-09-95 MYMD2QIF v4.0 for Windows. Converts MYM DOSv9 - 11 data to Quicken Interchange Format(QIF); including Money, Portfolio, andLinked accounts, all Transfers, AccountAllocations in Splits, and CFree payments.
QC202.ZIP 67,265 08-17-95 QuickCheck v2.02. Companion product forQuicken for Windows/DOS. Save time & money!Let QuickCheck fill out your checks foryou! No need to purchase special checks!Works with most every type of check &printer!
QPAY13W.ZIP 700,793 08-12-95 Quick-Payment v1.3w. Mortgage Tools Paymentcalculator, compare four loan payment typesat a time. Loan amortization, full orpartial schedule, printout, period interestand principal subtotals.
RATIO1_3.ZIP 257,861 07-11-95 Mortgage Ratio Modeler v1.3 for Windows.Calculates the front and back ratios forconventional loans; allows you to changeassumptions on the fly; great for loanofficers & potential borrowers; supportsnumerous user defin
RETCALC.ZIP 9,825 07-18-95 Retirement Income Calculator. Helpsevaluate your retirement finances.
STCKWZ20.ZIP 83,057 07-10-95 Stock Wiz v2.00 for Windows <ASP> StockAnalyser. Multi-dimensional fundamental"what-if" stock valuation, using earnings,growth rate, term and yield target. Revealsdetails of underlying calculation. Easy touse.
TAXCK31.ZIP 94,119 09-06-95 Tax Check for 1995 v3.1. Gives FAST andRELIABLE estimates of your 1040 federal taxduring the year, while there's time to makechanges. Features 1995 tax rates, Tax CheckAdvisor, W-4 tax estimator, extensive help,more.
TIMEPYMT.ZIP 30,265 07-06-95 TimePymt v1.0. Finance charges calculatorand amortization schedule display. Willcalculate payment amounts etc. Good for the"what if" calculations. Freeware.
VTID263.ZIP 281,527 09-05-95 Value Trend Indicator v2.63 for Windows.Successful Investors program to compare anddetermine the value of company share pricesand recognize Growth Stocks and MutualFunds in advance of the Market.
WINFIN40.ZIP 467,687 08-01-95 Financual Analysis v4.00 for Windows <ASP>Analyzes a wide range of financialinstruments involoving time and money. Theunknown of your choice is computed alongwith several other values.
WMSD833.ZIP 300,148 09-05-95 Wealth Management System v8.33 for Windows.Comprehensive personal financial program.Provides calculations, projections, graphsfor Saving, Investing, Retirement, NetWorth Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and MutualFunds.